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Recent Publications

- We Call to the Eye & Night - an Anthology of Arab Love Poems: 2 poems (Persea Books, 2023)

The Seagull Book of Poems, 5th Edition: "TAKING BACK JERUSALEM" (W.W. Norton, 2022) 

International Poetry Review: TBA

My Soul Has Grown Deep - The Watering Hole Anthology: "ars poetica with parallel dimensions" (TBA, Muddy Ford Press)

El Ghourabaa: an Anthology of Queer Arab Poetry: TBA (Metonymy Press, 2024)

the drift: "the ghosts of the dead sea are rising" and "To the Watchlist" (TBA)

Sumou Magazine: "13 Ways of Looking Beyond a Settler" (TBA)

Poetry Print Publications

Poetry London: "Field Notes on Terror & Beginnings" (Spring 2023) 

- Infinite Constellations: Speculating Us Anthology: 3 poems (FC2 - University of Alabama Press, 2023)

Between Paradise & Earth: Eve poems: "Searching for a Palestinian Necropastoral (Eve)" (Orison Books, 2023) 

Poetry Magazine (The Poetry Foundation): "Let Him Rest" (February 2023)

Foglifter: "Realisms" and "An American Surrealism" (Fall 2022 Vol 7 Issue 2 Pushcart Nominee)

- Indiana Review: "PALESTINE IS A FUTURISM: PANDEMONIUM" (Summer 2022)

- Mizna: "Defenestration Fantasy (collapsing sestina)" (The Experimental Issue, Fall 2021)

- The Chicago Reader : "Autobiography of Spring" (October 2021)

World Literature Today: "TAKING BACK JERUSALEM" (Palestine Issue, Summer 2021)

The Baffler: "Autobiography of." and "before he was their great poet.." (November 2020, Issue 54)

- The Journal: 3 poems (Fall 2020, Issue 44.3)

The Harvard Advocate: Excerpt from Birthright (Migration Issue, 2020)

West Branch: "Into the lines of kuffiyat, we stitch our generations (Cento)" and "The Ghosts of the Exhibit are Screaming (Palinode)" (Spring 2020, Issue 93)

Ambit Magazine: "Letter to be Reflected into the Shores of Tel Aviv" (Issue 239, January 2020)

- The Massachusetts Review: "from Adaptation Portraits (strange cartographies)" (Fall 2019, Vol 60 Issue 4)

jubilat: "Ekphrasis on Mirror Skylines" and "incomplete confessions of wind" (Fall 2019)

F(r)iction: "Generation" (November 2019, Issue 14 - The Survival Issue)

- Mizna: "ars poetica in which every pronoun is a Free Palestine," and "conjugations of surveillance" (Winter 2019, Volume 19.2 - the Palestine Issue)

- The Asian American Literary Review: "Cartographies of Light" (Spring 2019)

The American Poetry Review: "alternate mythologies of rage & exile" (July 2019)

The Cosmonauts Avenue Anthology: "Against Consolidation" (Spring 2019)

- Beloit Poetry Journal: "the ghost of the dead sea rewrites the history of drowning" (Summmer 2018)

- Washington Square Review: "maqam of moonlight, for the children of exile" (Fall 2018)

- Stoked Words - a Capturing Fire Slam Anthology : "Elegy for my Dead Country" and "Index" (Summer 2018, Capturing Fire Press)

Nepantla Anthology : from "Inheritance" (April 2018, Nightboat Books)

Puerto del Sol : "In which the specimen attempts to define an algebraic structure for his inherited traumas," and "Ode to the Rhopilema Nomadica Jellyfish" (Science Issue, Spring 2018; Best New Poets Nominee)

Mizna : "Index for the damned," "Lexicon" (Winter 2018)

Bettering American Poetry 2016 : "Inheritance" (January 2018)

Hawai'i Review : "origin of prayer," "elegy for my dead country," and "Birthright" (Issue 87, Winter 2017)

Five:2:One Magazine : "demon-possessed specimen hypothetically comes out to his Father" (Issue 17, September 2017)

Dawn with Arms of Roses Anthology : "someday i'll love george abraham," "ode to my swollen, mono-infected spleen" (Gal Pals Present, September 2017)

Best of Crab Fat - Year 3 : "someday i'll love george abraham" (Damaged Goods Press, July 2017)

- Emerge Literary Journal : "photographs not taken" (2016 Issue, Pushcart Nomination)

- Assaracus (Sibling Rivalry Press) : "meditations as queer jesus," "ode to my multiple orgasms," "the Burning Abyss speaks back," "demon-possessed poet attempts self-exorcism" (November 2016, Issue 25)

APIARY  : "Axiom" (July 2016, Issue 8 - Soft Targets)

Poetry Online Publications

- Guernica Magazine: "Instead of Ekphrasis" (July 2023)

Poetry Daily: "Field Notes on Terror & Beginnings" (Spring 2023) 

- Cue Foundation (الفكرة ذكرى): excerpt from "When the Arab Apocalypse Comes to America" (exhibit catalog commission, May 2023)

The Margins (AAWW): "Love Letter to the Eve of the End of the World" (The Climate Notebook, March 2023)

Poetry Magazine (The Poetry Foundation): "Let Him Rest" (February 2023)

- Rusted Radishes: "Of Nation" (The Money Issue, 2022)

- Poem-A-Day (Academy of American Poets): "Unarcheology of Father" (November 2022)

- Catapult: "GET FUCKED & DIE! Poetica" (August 2022)

- Grist: A Journal of Literary Arts: "(yikes!) Poetica" (Spring 2022)


- The Chicago Reader : "Autobiography of Spring" (October 2021)

- MOSAIC Theatre Company: "Stage Directions for a Representation wherein Eve and Adam travel through their first checkpoint" (Constellations Series Response to Dalia Taha's Keffiyeh Made in China, July 2021)

- Poem-A-Day (The Academy of American Poets): "Searching for a Palestinian Necropastoral (Eve)" (July 2021)

The Nation : "Searching for a Palestinian After" (May 2021, named one of Entropy Magazine's Favorite Poems of 2020-2021)

World Literature Today: "TAKING BACK JERUSALEM" (Palestine Issue, Summer 2021)

Michigan Quarterly Review (Mixtape): "On Ekphrasis and Revision" and from "UNIVERSAL THEORY..." (March 2021)

Underblong Journal: "well... *grabs wine glass* when the world ends, i hope we go down dancing ahha!" (December 2020, Issue 5)

The Baffler: "Autobiography of." and "before he was their great poet..." (November 2020, Issue 54)

- Split this Rock : "Ode to Mennel Ibtissam Singing Hallelujah on the Voice (France) in Arabic" (October 2020)

Catapult: "the faggotry" (October 2020)

The Margins (AAWW): Broken Ghazal, Before Balfour & ars poetica in which every pronoun is a Free Palestine (September 2020, Unfreedoms Series)

BOAAT: from "Adaptation Portraits (strange cartographies)" (Summer 2020)

Great River Review: "Triptych with Varying Degrees of Certainty, Posed as an Interrupted Sestina" (May 2020)

Poetry Daily: "Heritage" (April 2020)

Jewish Currents: "Before Apocalypse" (March 2020)

Mass Poetry : "ars poetica with parallel dimensions" (Poem of the Moment, February 2020)

The Missouri Review: "To All The Ghosts I've Loved Before" (February 2020)

- Cordite Poetry Review: " p lo y" (Winter 2019)

PoetryNow (The Poetry Foundation): "Ekphrasis with Toothing Chainsaw in Unnamed Halhul Vineyard" (November 2019 - poem text)

- The Quarry (Split This Rock): "the ghosts of the dead sea rewrite the history of drowning" (July 2019)

Poem-A-Day from The Academy of American Poets: "Essay on Submission" (January 2019)

- Scalawag: "elegy for Home in mirrored graves, ending in a collapse of wings" (Winter 2019)

- The Shallow Ends: "ars poetica with waning memory" (December 2018)

- The Scores: "against perturbation" (Arab American Issue, Winter 2018)

- Glass: A Journal of Poetry: "Errata with Divine Sacrifice" (November 2018, Midterm Issue; Pushcart Prize Nominee)

Cosmonauts Avenue: "Against Consolidation" (October 2018)

- LitHub : "I forgot, like you, to die: 12 Palestinian Authors Respond to the Ongoing Nakba" (Co-editor & Contributor, May 2018 - poem: ars poetica with parallel dimensions   //  full folio)

- Maps for Teeth : "Nakba: 70 Years of Palestinian Resistance to Occupation" (Co-editor, May 2018)

- the Rumpus : "maqam of moonlight, for the wandering," and "on unraveling" (April 2018)

- Nashville Review : "portrait of reality, in fragments" (April 2018)

- Tinderbox Poetry Journal : "Haifa Love Letters from a Palestinian Exile" (January 2018; Best of the net Nominee)

Hawai'i Review "Birthright" (Issue 87, Winter 2017)

Anomalous Press (FKA Drunken Boat) : "Video Loop: Tel Aviv Airport panic attack," "Infinite: a history of parallel bodies" (November 2017)

Tin House : "apology" (Broadside 30, October 2017)

wildness  (Platypus Press) : "summer is the worst time to lose a country" (Issue 10, October 2017)

the Blueshift Journal : "[counter/terrorism]" (Issue 8, September 2017)

the Shade Journal (75 Days of Emerging QPOC Writers project): "symposium for the body" (Spotlight Issue: Seed, August 2017)

Vinyl : "self-portrait with second degree sunburn" (July 2017)

Kweli : "binary." (June 2017)

Drunk in a Midnight Choir : "origin story of my depression" (May 2017, Issue 1)

- Sukoon: Untitled, "not a poem about Death," "photographs not taken"  (March 2017)

Winter Tangerine : "song of ash, ending in ghazal refusing amnesia" (January 2017, Lineage of Mirrors)

- Diode : "self-portrait as melting clock," "a History of Depression in Erasure" (January 2017, Pushcart Nomination)

- NSJP Newsletter: "photographs not taken" (January 2017, Issue 1)

- Maps for Teeth : "vs. Real" (January 2017, Issue 4; Best of the Net Nomination)

Apogee: "Inheritance" (December 2016, #NoDAPL Portfolio)

- the Margins (Asian American Writer's Workshop) : "[conflict/occupation]" (November 2016, Best of the Net Nomination)

- Pnk Prl : "a History of Palestine in Erasure" (November 2016)

- the Shade Journal : "vs. imaginary," "in which you are the emptiness they made of you" (October 2016)

Yellow Chair Review : "metaphors for the body in surrender," "self-portrait as sunken cathedral," and "alternate names for my future daughter" (September 2016)

- Crab Fat Magazine : "the Olive tree speaks to my body on deforestation," "haikus on love & resistance," "someday i'll love george abraham" (September 2016, Pushcart Nomination)

Thrush : "Tanka as Firework" (September 2016)

- Riwayya : "Palestinian Mass" (September 2016)

- Black Napkin Press: "metaphors for my body after survival," "when the piano is the only thing that talks back," "how to disappear," and Untitled (September 2016)

- Brooklyn Poets : "ode to my swollen, mono-infected spleen" (August 2016)

- Swarthmore College Intercultural Center Zine : "instructions for building revolutions" (May 2016)

the Philadelphia Book Review : "Reality" (April 2015 - this publication was part of a political poetry project which was not archived)

Prose Print Publications: Essays, Stories, Collaborations, etc

- Beyond Memory: an Anthology of Arab American Creative Nonfiction : "in which you do not ask the state of israel to commit suicide" (Spring 2020, University of Arkansas Press)

Forward: 21st Century Flash Fiction (Aforementioned Press): "origin story, to be written on the walls of my childhood home in blood" (Spring 2019)

Prose Online Publications: Nonfiction, Stories, Collaborations, etc

The Margins (AAWW): "After,word" (The Love Letters Folio, May 2023)

- them: The Im/Possibility of Being a Queer Palestinian in America (Condé Nast, October 2021)

- Guernica Magazine: "Teaching Poetry in a Palestinian Apocalypse" (September 2021)

- The Paris Review: "Imagining a Free Palestine: an Ekphrasis on a Fragmented Nationalism" (Fall 2018, Online)

Apogee : "in which you do not ask the state of israel to commit suicide" (January 2018; Best of the Net Nominee)

Critical Work: Essays, Interviews, Reviews, Op-Eds, Collaborations, etc

- TriQuarterly Magazine (Critical Poetics Column, 2022-2023)

- Mondoweiss: Celebrating Poetry of the People: an interview with Mohammed El-Kurd (November 2021)

- The Harvard Crimson:"How Can Harvard and the STEM Community Stand with Palestinians?" (co-authored with Laith Alhussein) 

- Divedapper: Interview with George Abraham and Craig Santos Perez (Bradley Trumpfheller, July 2021)

- Public Books: "Re-embodying Palestinian Memory" - on literary representations of Palestine & Palestinian Diaspora (Winter 2020)

The Los Angeles Review of Books: To Remember, Read, & Return - A Conversation with George Abraham and Omar Sakr (June 2020)

- Vagabond City Lit: Interview on Birthright with Michelle Betters (May 2020)

- Poets & Writers Magazine: Writers Recommend Essay by George Abraham (April 2020)

LitHub: "Against Consumption: Palestine in the american Imagination" (March 2020)

- Sukoon Magazine: "Favorite SWANA Books of 2017" (January 2018)

Winter Tangerine : "Lineage of Mirrors Essay on song of ash, ending in ghazal refusing amnesia" (January 2017, Lineage of Mirrors)

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